måndag 13 juli 2009

"Doktor" Mutnick tänker till

Jag blev så fascinerad av skarpsinnet och kunskapen hos en kalifornienbo (se förra inlägget) som putsat på en insikt som kom till honom från högre höjd, att jag började spana efter hans nedslag på nätet (han dog förra året). Här några klipp ur ett diskussionsforum på en sajt om processfilosofin och -teologi.

Processfilosofins skapare, Alfred North Whitehead, var först kollega till Bertrand Russell, men där den senare aldrig växte ur sin ateistiska position gick Whitehead mycket längre.

Den som aldrig tidigare mött processfilosofins terminologi kan hoppa över det här inlägget, eller bara "smaka" på resonemangen för att se om de ger någon resonans...

Jag har läst två böcker av Whitehead-förespråkaren Christian de Quincey men utifrån resonemang på forumet, tycks mig de Quincey lättviktig. Åtminstone ägnar han inte någon uppmärksamhet åt eventuell fysik eller matematik i Whiteheads processfilosofi - hintar inte ens om att en sådan diskurs skulle finnas. (Vådan av att läsa andra författare om en "svår" originaltänkare!)

Post subject: The terms of quantum theory.
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 5:59 am
Personally Ordered Society

Joined: Wed Feb 16, 2005 11:15 am
Posts: 40
Location: Berkeley, CA

The terms of quantum theory are essentially the dualistic forms of the superject, but they only become mathematical entities in the general sense by being resurrected from the dead, or "passed away," state of the completed concrescence. They must not only be "resurrected," but they must "come again," before they become mathematical entities in the true Platonic sense, as elucidated by Aristotle in the Metaphysics. They are symbols of objective reality, and hence they have much in common with the notion of enduring object.

One set is more idea-like (operators and eigenvectors), while the other is more thing-like (state vector and representations). One is an abstract ideation operator, while the other is an abstract creation operator.

Mathematical entities in the general sense approach, but are not exactly identical with, the noumenal reality, as Max Born keenly intuited and proclaimed in his autobiography, My Life and My Views. This is the very heart of both the Platonic dialectic of nature and the essence of quantum theory, as proclaimed by Heisenberg, et al.

One could not have a better coincidence with religion than to realize that all the esoteric mysteries of Christianity are just heuristic methods for teaching process theory. In Buddhism, "process" means the functioning of the inherent "bodhi-mind."

Post subject: More on the terms of quantum theory.
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:20 pm
Personally Ordered Society

Joined: Wed Feb 16, 2005 11:15 am
Posts: 40
Location: Berkeley, CA

The terms of quantum theory start out as spanning the metaphysical distance between the observer and the observed. The operators and eigenvectors are on the observer side of this duality, and the state vectors and representations are on the observed side. It seems that their next identification is as dualistic forms of the superject.

This is a sort of application of the principle of the psycho-physical parallelism, insofar as the polarity of seventh and first worlds has become instead a polarity of third (mental) and first (physical) worlds.

The completed superject of course resides in the second or emotional world. But how exactly does this reduction come about? That is an interesting question. Once it has come about, then the "resurrection" of the "passed away" concrescence will produce the general type of entity, which is a mathematical entity, with idea-like and thing-like polarities.

Finally, with the "second coming" of the general type of entity, the whole formalism will take on a noumenal character, as noted by Max Born, et al., which is supposedly descriptive of nature itself. This is the triumph of the idea, in the boldest Hegelian sense.


Not. "Doktorn" gör det i andra inlägget riktigt invecklat genom att utöver whiteheadska termer också introducera sin egen sjuplanslära, vilken står att finna via länkarna i förra inlägget.

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