tisdag 9 februari 2010

Ord: arketyp (2)

Aristoteles brutaliserad och intvingad i en samtida modell:

We assume that there are always many contributing causes for any event, and in particular for a mental decision. In the Newell-Simon "Blackboard" model and Bernard Baars' "Theater of Consciousness" and "Global Workspace" models, there are many competing possibilities for our next thought or action. 

Each of these possibilities is the result of a sequence of events that goes back in an assumed causal chain until its beginning in an uncaused event. Aristotle called this original event an arche (ἀρχῆ), one whose major contributing cause (or causes) was itself uncaused, e.g., it involved quantum indeterminacy.


Likväl var det här den äldsta indirekta referensen till Carl-Gustav Jungs psykologiska bruk av "arkeyp" jag stött på. 

Alltid utmärkta etymonline.com säger:
"original pattern from which copies are made," 1540s, from L. archetypum, from Gk. "pattern, model," neut. of adj. arkhetyponarkhetypos "first-moulded," from arkhe- "first" (see archon) + typos "model, type, blow, mark of a blow." Jungian psychology sense of "pervasive idea or image from the collective unconscious" is from 1919.


Synkronistiskt tillägg samma dag: Hittade en blogg som ger ett ännu äldre belägg än Aristoteles för arche - filosofen Xenofanes (6 årh. fvt.) använder det om den styrande principen (som Aristoteles).


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